Red Hat Nordics SA Demo lab

We are Red Hat Solution Architects, in this blog we are sharing content that we have used to create our own demos and labs. Some of it has proven to be useful starting points for our customers and partners. You are free to use it as is. If you use it, and it breaks your stuff, you get to keep both pieces ;-). Ansible, Tower, CloudForms, Satellite, RHV, IdM, RHEL, Gluster, Ceph. Disclaimer, This is not a Red Hat official blog, nor a service and we will not provide support on this.

13 May 2019

Clojure development using OpenShift, part 1

Written by Timo Friman

How to get your Clojure apps running on OpenShift

Clojure is a fantastic language but how you can run Clojure apps on top of OpenShift?

clojure logo

First a disclaimer: I’ve never written a single line of Clojure that has ended up in production nor I think I’m fluent with Clojure. Instead I’ve been tinkering with Clojure for years now and still find the moment when my Clojure program is running flawlessly magical. It makes me feel very computer savvy when my lisp program is working as expected. Your mileage hopefully varies and if you find something that should be fixed with code or anything other please leave an issue here at github, thank you! I’m also expecting that you know your ways around Clojure and it’s tooling, namely lein and same applies with OpenShift and it’s tooling. Also I’m aware that there are other runtimes than JVM to run your Clojure applications but this posting is about JVM and jars.

So you have your Clojure program ready to be deployed. How does one get that running on OpenShift? Well, it’s pretty straightforward but there are multiple options how to make that happen:

Option 1: Add source-to-image (S2I) builder to OpenShift and let the OpenShift take your application’s source code from the SCM and build it and create a container out of the binary and then run it. This is the way things will be done in this posting series.

Option 2: use created uberjar and let OpenShift do it’s magic with binary builds. This may be covered later on but not now.

Option 3: use created uberjar and create your container image outside OpenShift. Run that image on OpenShift. Not coverered in this post either.

I assume you know how S2I works but if not check out this. There are S2I builders for many languages out of the box but none for Clojure. Here is a simple one using lein. It contains instructions how to install the builder to your cluster but for completeness sake I’ll replicate them here.

Custom S2I installation to OpenShift 3.11

Note that these instructions have been tested with OpenShift version 3.11.

Login to your OpenShift cluster

oc login

You can install this to any namespace but “openshift” is visible to all by default and it is used when service catalog searches for builders so let’s use it.

oc new-build --name s2i-clojure -n openshift

You can follow the build

oc logs -f bc/s2i-clojure -n openshift

Usage example

Create a test project

oc new-project clj-test

After the build has finished you can test your new builder:

oc new-build s2i-clojure~ --name=clj-test

And follow the build

oc logs -f bc/clj-test

After the build has finished create a new app:

oc new-app clj-test

And open the service to the world:

oc expose svc/clj-test

See the url for the application

oc get routes clj-test --template='{{ }}'

And open it using your browser. It should look like this:


Making s2i-clojure builder visible to catalog

You can use your custom builder from command line without getting it to catalog but it would be nice to get this to UI as well so here goes:

First you need to edit the image stream:

oc edit is/s2i-clojure -n openshift -o json

Make it look like this, add the missing parts, don’t remove things:

    "kind": "ImageStream",
    "apiVersion": "v1",
    "metadata": {
	"name": "s2i-clojure-builder",
	"annotations": {
	    "": "S2I Clojure"
    "spec": {
	"tags": [
		"name": "latest",
		"annotations": {
		    "": "S2I Clojure",
		    "description": "Build and deploy a Clojure app",
		    "iconClass": "icon-clojure",
		    "sampleRepo": "",
		    "sampleRef": "v1.0.0",
		    "tags": "builder,clojure",
		    "version": "latest",
		    "supports": "clojure"
		"from": {
		    "kind": "DockerImage",
		    "name": "s2i-clojure:latest"

Wait for a while to catalog service to catch up and your Clojure S2I builder should appear in the catalog under section “other”.

Happy Clojure development using S2I!

Written by Timo Friman   Linkedin
Solution Architect at Red Hat Nordics in AppDev area.

tags: clojure - openshift - s2i