Red Hat Nordics SA Demo lab

We are Red Hat Solution Architects, in this blog we are sharing content that we have used to create our own demos and labs. Some of it has proven to be useful starting points for our customers and partners. You are free to use it as is. If you use it, and it breaks your stuff, you get to keep both pieces ;-). Ansible, Tower, CloudForms, Satellite, RHV, IdM, RHEL, Gluster, Ceph. Disclaimer, This is not a Red Hat official blog, nor a service and we will not provide support on this.

Lab description

This page describes our lab architecture and components we use there. Playbooks on our git repository automate creating this infra, and vice versa, the tools here utilise the playbooks to create virtual machines and automation into this lab.

Lab architecture

We use several tools for automation. Some are Red Hat products and some are external. Mostly open source projects, except for Commvault.


We use the following tools to manage the infra

One liner explanation and links to products:

VM Guests

Virtual machines are created in automated way. See VM creation blog (TBD) how we use basic Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) KVM QCOW image from access portal as a template. Guests are automatically brought into management at VM creation time.

See our blogs about automation.

BR, Ilkka Tengvall

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