Red Hat Nordics SA Demo lab

We are Red Hat Solution Architects, in this blog we are sharing content that we have used to create our own demos and labs. Some of it has proven to be useful starting points for our customers and partners. You are free to use it as is. If you use it, and it breaks your stuff, you get to keep both pieces ;-). Ansible, Tower, CloudForms, Satellite, RHV, IdM, RHEL, Gluster, Ceph. Disclaimer, This is not a Red Hat official blog, nor a service and we will not provide support on this.

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Automate rootless containers with Ansible - Grafana

The Challenge: Ansible automate grafana in rootless container

I have rather much services and home automation running at home. I want to monitor their state and get alerted if something is out of the normal. I had grafana set up for the job, but now had to move servers. While at it, I want it fully automatized and running in a rootless container. How can I automate rootless containers?

Shell scripting using Clojure and Babashka

Babashka and FZF: match made in heaven!

Red Hat released a while ago OpenShift Update Service which has a handy REST API for getting JSON describing available versions and upgrade paths. There is an UI for that as well but a colleague of mine pasted this on chat:

Ansible driven GitOps for OpenShift

The Challenge: GitOps for your project along with secrets

Task was to automatize software project operations. Software was not designed OpenShift in mind, but was built and operated there. We wanted to have GitOps for the clarity and record of things done. How to achieve such when not being cluster admin at OpenShift (or kubernetes)? How to keep secrets? I’ll explain.

Test Ansible Roles using Molecule and Podman

The Challenge: Lightweight and easy testing

I needed to have testing added to Ansible roles. There are various people in the customer organization developing roles, and we want a lightweight, easy to use test process to unify the looks and quality of the roles.

Clojure development using OpenShift, part 1

How to get your Clojure apps running on OpenShift

Clojure is a fantastic language but how you can run Clojure apps on top of OpenShift?

How to deploy Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, really fast


This blogpost will be fairly straight forward. It will walk you through the process of deploying Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8, really really fast. To do so, we’ll be using the new ‘‘composer’’ tooling in RHEL8 to generate a disk image file you can deploy from, to speed things up considerably. To enable you to go from zero to logging into a new virtual machine instance of RHEL8, in seconds instead of minutes.

Using containerized Jekyll

Running Jekyll in container to create an entry to this blog

How to run Jekyll in a container and not polluting your gear with gems.

Automate Podman Containers with Ansible 2/2

The Challenge

Now that we know how to run single containers with Podman (part 1/2) , it’s time to find out how we can run several containers in a pod, like docker-compose did, and how kubernetes places containers into single pod. We use Ansible and Podman for that.

Automate Podman Containers with Ansible 1/2

The Challenge

Container tooling has improved a lot recently. Nowadays there is lot of progress being done around OCI (Open Container Initiative) compatible tools. Podman, CRI-O and Buildah are new tools to build and run containers. I describe here how I changed my hobby projects’ containers from Docker into Podman using Ansible to automate them. Having Ansible wrapping helps maintenance and rebuild.

Use Ansible and Let's Encrypt to get (OpenShift) proper SSL certs

The Challenge

For those often rebuilding OpenShift environments, it is ugly to have invalid SSL certificates for the site. Or any web site, for that matter. It requires you to set all tools and browsers to ignore invalid SSL certs. It might even break your testing. You test your OpenShift upgrades and changes in separate test cluster instead of production, right ;) ?

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