Red Hat Nordics SA Demo lab

We are Red Hat Solution Architects, in this blog we are sharing content that we have used to create our own demos and labs. Some of it has proven to be useful starting points for our customers and partners. You are free to use it as is. If you use it, and it breaks your stuff, you get to keep both pieces ;-). Ansible, Tower, CloudForms, Satellite, RHV, IdM, RHEL, Gluster, Ceph. Disclaimer, This is not a Red Hat official blog, nor a service and we will not provide support on this.

Welcome to read our blogs

Testing Ansible automation with molecule

The Challenge

We are heavily believers in that you should store your server infrastructure in a Git repository, so we decided to live as we preach! Everything that we install in our Demo environment should be automated with Ansible and versioned by Git. This to:

Install Vagrant and libvirt (KVM) on RHEL7

The Challenge - Vagrant and libvirt (KVM) on RHEL7

While working with Molecule-based tests on our Ansible roles, I had to install vagrant and libvirt (KVM) on my RHEL7 machine to quickly spin up instances for test purposes. (will cover the Molecule stuff in a later post). The advantage of using Vagrant is that it downloads the pre-built Vagrant boxes that are ready to be consumed with in no-time.

Writing new blog on Jekyll

The Challenge - How to write new blog on Jekyll

I was asked how to write a new blog into our Jekyll. It’s really straight forward. Here’s list of steps you need to do.

Creating VM to RHV by Ansible

The Challenge - Automating VM creation

This time I’d like to describe a handy way we have for creating a virtual machine into our lab. Normally in ITIL organisations it is something behind a slow ticket. We wanted to have demos for our work, and don’t want to repeat manually the steps to do basic tasks. Instead we want to quickly do by press of a button, within few minutes:

Install Jekyll on RHEL7

How I installed Jekyll on RHEL7

While I was creating this blog I needed to get Jekyll tooling on my laptop. I happen to be fan of Linux, and decided to eat our own dogfood. I recently installed RHEL7 on my laptop instead of the normal Fedora.

Day0 for this site


Last Friday we had a hack day amongst our Red Hat Nordics SA colleagues. During such hackdays we spend time together to enhance our demos, and nowadays specificly our Demo LAB. Yes, we lucky bastards got our own demo lab :D, woot woot! I’ll start our blog series by describing how I created this web site.

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